June 14, 2007

No we are not sisters.....Really.

So I know I just started my blog and already I have people on my back that I have not been posting more....cough *jessica* cough.....So here's more : )

So here is a fun picture of Amy and I in front of our building.

No we are not sisters.....Really. But we are cousins who are lucky enough to have each other to share a studio and super fun times with.

Amy and I have been working our butts off trying to get everything ready for the big studio grand opening (tomorrow 11-2 and 6-9). I do not want to have to paint another super high wall for a LONG time!! I really do not know how people do that everyday, I was sweating bullets about falling off the ladder.....yes I do realize I am a sissy, thanks. But I had some super sweet volunteers that totally saved us MANY hours, AND all of them worked for lunches and hugs. THANK YOU!!!!! to Dad, Brad, and of course my long lost Jen ; ) I love you all!!

1 comment:

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

It's about time woman! I had fun seeing you today at the opening, sorry I couldn't stay to eat, I know you understand! Let's hang out soon, you, me, Amy and Lindsay, oh wait...she doesn't love us and lives too far...forget her!
